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Proper Watering For Your Lawn in Canada

Reading time: 6 minutes

Watering your lawn is one of the most important aspects of healthy lawn care. Not only does it help keep your grass healthy, but proper watering can also help prevent weed growth and diseases. In this blog post, we will provide a number of lawn watering tips so that you can get the most out of your landscape.


Sprinkler Watering Lawn in Morning

There are a few things to keep in mind when watering your lawn. The best time to water is early morning. Watering during the heat of the day can cause evaporation, which means that your lawn will not get as much water as it needs. Watering at night is not recommended because it can promote fungal growth and disease.

The best time is generally between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. This allows most of the water to be absorbed by the turf before the sun rises and ensures that the grass does not stay too wet for long periods of time.


Water Meter For Turf

The general rule of thumb for lawn watering is to provide enough water that soaks the soil down to the root zone. This can usually be achieved by applying about 2.5 to 4cm (1 to 1.5 inches) of water per week.

To determine how long to run your sprinkler, you can place a few empty tuna cans or measuring cups around your lawn and monitor how long it takes to collect about 2.5 cm (one inch) of water in each container. This method will help you gauge the output of your sprinkler system and adjust the watering duration accordingly.

Tip: Start with one hour per area- you’ll be off to a good start!

Your soil type can also affect how long you should water. Clay soils absorb water slowly, so apply water more gradually to avoid runoff. Sandy soils drain quickly and may require shorter, more frequent watering sessions to ensure adequate absorption without waste.


Rather than following a rigid schedule, monitor soil moisture to determine if your lawn needs watering. A simple way to check is to stick a screwdriver or similar tool into the soil. If it enters easily to a depth of 6 inches, the moisture level is likely adequate. If the soil feels dry and is difficult to penetrate, it's time to water.

The watering strategy should be adjusted by the season, considering the daytime highs and the overall moisture levels in your area. A great rule of thumb in warm, dry summer conditions is one to two times per week.


One of the most common mistakes we see is watering too frequently and too lightly. This approach tends to moisten only the surface of the soil, encouraging turfgrass roots to grow shallowly. Shallow roots are less capable of accessing water deeper in the soil, making the turf less resilient and more susceptible to drought and disease.

Watering your lawn deeply and less frequently is the key to promoting robust and healthy turf. This method encourages roots to grow deeper into the soil, accessing more nutrients and water reserves, significantly enhancing the lawn’s drought tolerance and overall health.

Tip: Automatic sprinklers are often set incorrectly. Change your settings to once a week - one hour per area.

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