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Snow Removal Myths Debunked: What Works & What Doesn't

Reading time: 5 minutes

When the snow starts piling up, so do the wild stories about how to deal with it.

We’ve heard them all—grandpa’s “just toss some salt and call it a day” approach or your neighbour's mysterious concoction of vinegar and elbow grease to tossing hot water. But not everything we’ve been told about snow removal actually works.

Let’s take a look at some common snow removal myths and separate the snowy truth from the frosty fiction—so you can stop wasting time and start clearing your driveway like a pro!

Green Drop snow removal service before and after photos

Myth #1: Hot Water Melts Snow Faster

It’s easy to see why someone self-professed DIY snow removal expert might think pouring hot water on snow is a quick fix. After all, hot melts cold, right? Well, not so fast!

Save the hot water for your coffee; you don’t need an impromptu ice rink competition in your front yard. While hot water might give the illusion of speedy snow removal, it often leads to refreezing—and voilà, now you’ve got yourself a slick, dangerous driveway. You may think you’re winning the snow battle, but you’re just setting up the next round of slips and slides.

Instead of going for the boiling kettle, stick to de-icers, salt, or sand. These options will melt the snow or give you traction without turning your property into an Olympic skating arena. Use a slow-release de-icer for ongoing protection as more snow falls.

Myth #2: Shovelling Early Means You Can Skip Later

Shovelling early sounds like a genius move; get it out of the way and kick back for the rest of the day, right? Well, not quite.

Snow has this annoying habit of not consulting your schedule. Just because you shovelled once doesn’t mean it won’t keep coming. A clean driveway in the morning, unfortunately, doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for the afternoon blizzard.

Stay ahead of the storm by clearing snow incrementally. Shovelling periodically as the snow falls (if weather permits, of course) will prevent heavy build-up and make your life easier in the long run. Plus, you’ll avoid the back-breaking task of tackling a driveway buried under a foot of snow.

Myth #3: Snow Blowers Are Always Faster

While snow blowers can make quick work of large, open areas, they aren’t as efficient in tight spaces, uneven surfaces, or when faced with wet, heavy snow. Instead of smoothly clearing your path, they can end up clogging, or worse, blasting snow right back at you.

A shovel, on the other hand, doesn’t backfire with a face full of snow! While snow blowers are great for big jobs, for smaller areas, or tricky conditions, sometimes a good old-fashioned shovel is best.

Clean parkway after snow removal service by Green Drop

Myth #4: Regular Salt Works for Everything

Ah, the age-old trick of sprinkling table salt on the driveway – the easy, cheap fix to snow. Well, not so fast. Regular table salt isn’t just less effective in very cold weather, but it can also cause serious damage to your concrete, asphalt, and even nearby plants.

Save the table salt for your fries; your driveway deserves something a little bit more special. Plus, salt is just not built for the big leagues when the temperatures really drop.

Instead of raiding your kitchen, opt for professional de-icing products like calcium chloride, which works better in colder temperatures. If you're eco-conscious, consider using eco-friendly de-icers that won’t harm your plants or the environment.

Myth #5: Your Trusty Shovel Is the Only Tool You Need

Many of us love the idea of a good old-fashioned shovelling session. It’s a good workout, cheap, and gets the job done. That is until you’re knee-deep in the snow after a heavy storm, and that trusty shovel suddenly feels like a toothpick.

Let’s face it—there’s only so much snow one person can clear before it becomes hard labour no one signed up for. Sure, shovelling is a good workout. But if you want a gym membership, we advise you to get one with heating!

While shovelling works for light snow, there comes a time to bring in the pros or upgrade to better equipment like snow blowers. Deep snow or larger properties require more than just elbow grease. Hiring professional snow removal services can save time, effort, and possibly a sore back!

Myth #6: You Don’t Need to Worry About Ice if You’ve Cleared the Snow

After you’ve cleared your driveway of snow, you might feel like your job is done. Unfortunately, snow isn't the only winter menace – ice can still form, especially during those sneaky temperature fluctuations between freezing and thawing. Just because the snow is gone doesn’t mean the danger is.

Always check for ice after snow removal, particularly if the temperature has been jumping around. Use de-icing products or sand to provide traction on walkways and driveways.

Pay extra attention to areas where water tends to pool, as these spots are prime candidates for freezing overnight. Address drainage issues early to prevent dangerous icy patches from forming.

Myth #7: You Can Pile Snow Anywhere You Want

Once you’ve shovelled or snow-blowed your driveway, the natural inclination is to just push the cleared snow wherever. But that’s like sweeping dirt under the rug – it’ll come back to bite you later.

Piling snow near your home, sidewalks, or neighbour’s property can create hazards. Not only that, there are also legal implications to consider. It can also lead to water damage when it melts or blockages when it freezes over again.

Always pile snow away from your home’s foundation and avoid blocking paths, driveways, or walkways. If possible, place snow in areas with good drainage to avoid flooding when it melts.

Before and after snow removal service by Green Drop

Let Green Drop Clear the Path to Winter Bliss

Your winters don’t have to feel like an Olympic sport in snow removal. Retire your snow gloves and shovel, and skip the driveway drama.

Our professional snow removal packages are here to save the day (and your back!). Whether you're in Calgary, Regina, Red Deer, Saskatoon, or Edmonton, we've got your snow-covered home covered.

Because, let’s be real, who wants to spend all winter wrestling with snow when you could be inside enjoying hot chocolate?

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