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As a tree matures, structural defects, poorly attached unions, splits or decayed limbs can develop. Artificial support mechanisms, such as cables or braces, can minimize these hazardous conditions and
preserve the tree.

Our goal is to reduce the risk of failure and extend the life of your trees. Before beginning, we will determine if the root system is structurally sound and if your tree contains excessive decay. Tree cabling and bracing is in most cases, a preventative measure. A tree that has already split and contains decay is not a good candidate for cabling or bracing. If the split is recent, a brace and/or cable system is a possibility. We can’t make a hazardous tree safe by using cables. In some cases, a removal may be advised.


In most situations, we use a unique cabling system made of a synthetic fiber that stretches to allow the tree to flex naturally and doesn’t require drilling holes into the tree like traditional steel cable systems. They are self-adjusting systems that will not girdle your tree and are designed to grow with your tree.


Bracing is the installation of a threaded rod into the trunk of a tree or branch in order to support a split or possible split. This is an invasive procedure and can lead to decay at the area of installation. Bracing is sometimes used together with cabling to support the tree

A Note for Cabling/Bracing

Tree cabling should not be performed if periodic inspection, maintenance and eventual replacement is not intended.

Most systems need repositioning or replacement within 10-15 years due to tree height and diameter growth. According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), tree cabling should be monitored annually. Such inspection should be performed by a knowledgeable professional upon notification by and at the expense of the property owner. Inspection is necessary to manage potential hazards such as broken branches entangling cable or cable becoming stressed by the growing tree.

It should be noted that cable installation is done as a preventative measure and therefore is no guarantee against tree failure.
Cable installation includes one follow-up inspection and report approximately 1 year after installation.

You will be notified for an annual inspection yearly, for which there is a nominal fee.

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