Common Lawn Weeds in Canada
Reading time: 4 minutesIt only takes one weed to ruin a beautiful lawn—but when is there ever just one? Green Drop lawn programs are designed to create happy, health turf. Simply put, a healthy lawn makes it difficult for weeds to compete.
Sometimes a little extra control is needed along the way. Get a handle on some of the most common weeds by learning how to identify them and leave it to us to eliminate them!

- Serrated, comb- and tooth-like leaves
- Hollow, leafless stalk
- Yellow, petal-like flowers mature to white puffballs
Weed Type
- Broadleaf perennial with a long, deep taproot
How it Spreads
- By seeds that germinate year-round in accommodating climates
Control Method
- Any Beautiful Program

- Clover shaped, green leaves with circular markings, on thin stems
- Alternate compound leaves, usually with three toothed leaflets
- Ball shaped flowers can be white, pink, yellow
Weed Type
- Perennial, broad leaf
How it Spreads
- Spreads by tap-root, off runners- can spread quickly
Control Method
- Any Beautiful Program
Creeping Charlie

- Creeping stems and very fine hairs all over the plant
- Dark green, kidney shaped leaves with scalloped edges
- Leaves are small – about the size of a thumbnail
- Prefers moist, shady areas, but can tolerate sun
Weed Type
- Perennial, evergreen weed in the mint family
How it Spreads
- It spreads by rhizomes and seeds, and forms thick mats in the lawn
Control Method
- Any Beautiful Program

- Broad leaves with five prominent veins running from the base
- Short, winged leaf stalk
- Dense, erect flower spikes
Weed Type
- Broadleaf perennial with shallow, fibrous roots.
How it Spreads
- By small, angular seeds. The mature seeds in one spike will range in color from orange all the way to black. Spikes will include seeds in shades of brown between the two extremes.
Control Method
- Any Beautiful Program

- Prickly, deeply-lobed leaves
- Slender, hairless stems
- White, purple or pink flowers
Weed Type
- Broadleaf with many annual and perennial species and seeds that remain viable for many years.
How it Spreads
- By seeds and root fragments.
Control Method
- Any Beautiful Program

- Upright, flat, rough-edged, blue-green leaves
- Leaf blade grasps the stem at its base
- Flattened spike of alternating flowers and seeds
Weed Type
- Perennial grass most active during cool spring and fall seasons.
How it Spreads
- By seeds and rhizomes, but primarily by underground tubers known as nutlets.
Control Method
- ClearPath
NOTE: Quackgrass on turf can not be treated as products will harm desirable grass
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