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Beautiful Bronze

Beautiful Bronze
Basic Tree Health Care

  • FREE tree diagnosis and assessment
  • RootBoost™️ Tree Fertilization
  • 2 Targeted treatments for insect and disease control
  • 6% Discount when prepaid

Beautiful Silver

Beautiful Silver
Plus Tree Health Care

  • FREE tree diagnosis and assessment
  • RootBoost™️ Tree Fertilization
  • 3 Targeted treatments for insect and disease control
  • 8% Discount when prepaid

Beautiful Gold

Beautiful Gold
Premium Tree Health Care

  • FREE tree diagnosis and assessment
  • RootBoost™️ Tree Fertilization
  • 4 Targeted treatments for insect and disease control
  • 10% Discount when prepaid

Our Tree Health Care Program

Preventive maintenance is the most cost effective way to keep your landscape trees and shrubs in optimum condition. Healthy plants resist insects, diseases and damage. They add value to your property and are investments in natural beauty. Early detection of pests and diseases combined with targeted treatments reduces environmental stresses on your plants and protects your landscape investment.

When you choose one of our Programs, a wide range of treatment options are utilized and a specific program is tailored to your specific needs. Our Plant Health Care program protects your plants' health and the environment. We carefully select environmentally friendly materials for targeted treatment when pesticides are necessary.

Our Program Includes:

Annual Deep Root Fertilization - Pest infestations can be significantly reduced by following a regular annual program of fertilization and aeration. Unless you recently or regularly add nutrients to the soil around your trees they are definitely nutrient deficient.

Trees in their natural forest setting get nutrients from the decomposing leaf and litter of the forest floor. In the landscape, leaf litter and grass clippings are usually raked up and removed so there are no naturally available nutrients. Nutrients must be applied or your trees will live in a very weakened state, susceptible to disease, insects and storm damage. Fertilizing your trees is the best preventative medicine for a valuable investment – Your Trees!

Inspection - A customized program of regularly scheduled inspections to detect insects, mites and diseases enables us to treat problems before they damage your plants.

Reporting - We will leave detailed inspection reports that explain our findings, treatments and plant health care recommendations. This information is maintained on file for future reference.

Our Certified Arborists will tailor a program to suit your landscapes unique requirements.

Remember, the potential size and longevity of trees and shrubs warrants their special attention in your landscape. Bedding plants can be replaced in a few short weeks and a lawn in a single growing season, but it can take a lifetime or more to replace a mature tree.

Here are a list of the services that we have to offer in our Tree Care Packages:

  • RootBoost™
  • Dormant Oil and Fungicide
  • Foliar Anti-Bacterial
  • Foliar Fungicide
  • Foliar Insecticide
  • Injections
  • Iron Treatment
  • Spider Mite Treatment

Wondering about costs?